Welcome home to the wisdom of your soul and your authentic voice.

Surya Devi is a beautiful, intuitive, creative & conscious musician that illuminates our hearts with Love and raises our frequency to align with the divine.

~ Sue Dumais

Bestselling author, TedX Speaker, Intuitive Healer & CEO of Heart Led Living.

~ Hi, I’m Elise Jené.

Also known as Surya ~

I have been a student and practitioner of the healing arts for 22 years, musically inclined since I was a young child. I've been on a journey of healing, accessing and expanding my own voice for decades. The work here will provide you with valuable skills to begin or deepen your connection to finding your true voice. Whether you desire to sing, start public speaking or just to feel more courageous and free with your expression - there is something here for everyone. This is on-going work and can benefit everyone, bringing smoother communication and a greater ability to express your needs, desires and stand up for what you believe in. When we learn to align our hearts and voices we can create miracles together for all life on Earth.